Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Predictions for Jonas's Future

These changes in Jonas that we have seen throughout the book will most likely, in my opinion, cause him to take some action against the community. Jonas is angry about how the community got rid of all of the color, and he is angry at the community for piling all of the pain and suffering onto him and The Giver. However, if he does take action, I expect that The Giver will reveal something surprising. What I expect is that The Giver would have tried this already, and it would have failed. Also, I think that that something bad might happen to Gabriel, and part of Jonas's rebelling against the community would have to do with that. Another thing that could happen is that The Giver might agree with Jonas's idea (although I think this would be pretty unlikely), and decide to help Jonas rebel. If this were to happen, something bad may happen to The Giver. Also, the fact that Jonas can transfer memories, as seen with what he did to Gabriel,  may play a part later in the book.

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